Thursday, April 11, 2013



Spreading dogbane, American Hemp.
It is a plant belonging to the natural order of Apocynaceae.
It grows in most parts of the US and Canada.
Mother tincture is prepared from the root and higher potencies from the mother tincture.
Proved by Dr. Black of England, Dr. Henry of U.S.A and Dr. Marcy.

It is a constitutional remedy for patients:
1. Who are chilly, sensitive to cold air and drinks, vomits cold drinks; aggravated from cold, wants to be covered.
2. Who cannot sweat, skin is dry; urine is scanty; all secretions are diminished; there is no out throw of water; the constitution takes in water but lets out none. Who do not assimilate water hence must vomit because it is superfluous.
3. Who are thirsty, great thirst for cold water, but cold does not agree, it is vomited before it gets warm in the stomach, he is ameliorated from the drinks.
4. Who are worse from lying down, must sit up especially in case of hydrothorax.

It is a specific remedy for the following conditions:
1. Dropsy of serous membranes; with thirst; after scarlet fever, typhoid, typhus, cirrhosis of liver; abuse of quinine; dropsy of pericardium, thorax, peritoneum, extremities genital organs.
2. Acute hydrocephalus, with open sutures; stupor, one sight lost; constant and involuntary motion of one arm and one leg; forehead projected.
3. Amenorrhoea in young girls, with dropsical condition of abdomen and extremities.
4. Metrorrhagia: continued or paroxysmal flow; fluid or clotted; nausea, vomiting, palpitation; pulse quick and feeble when moved.
5. Diarrhea alternative with dropsy. Dropsical condition relieved by diarrhea.
6. Paralysis of extremities with urging to urinate; numbness and tingling in the extremities and finally entire loss of power.
7. Cough short and dry or deep and loose, during pregnancy.
8. Retention with great urging; scanty urine with scanty sweat, Enuresis. Urinary troubles are exceedingly troublesome.
9. Ailments from impaired functions of skin, kidneys, bowels, uterus and all tend to dropsy.
10. Brain affection with anuria.
11. Heart weak, feeble and irregular, usually slow, urine scanty, great thirst but drinking cold water disagrees, causes nausea, vomiting; stomach irritable to food; great distention after eating; loose stool.
12. Vital depression, fainting when raising head from pillow.

Dosage : Tincture 3 to 10 drops 3 times daily for dropsy. One drachm of decoction in 40oz of water for acute alcoholism.
Repetition : Bear repetition well.
Duration of action : Short acting.

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