Wednesday, April 10, 2013

APIS MELLIFICA (Honey bee poison)

Apium Virus, Honey bee poison.
The whole honey bee, or the drop of poison secreted from point of the sting.
The honey bee is found all over the world.
The live bees are put into a bottle and irritated by shaking, dilute alcohol is poured five times their weight and kept closed for eight days; shaking the bottle twice a day. The tincture is than poured off, strained and filtered, which represents the mother tincture.
The mother tincture may be prepared from a drop of the poison secreted by the bee if the bee is held in a forceps and the drop of poison poured in a tube or watch glass.
Proved by Dr. Frederick Humphries in 1852.

It is a sarcoid being prepared from animal products.

It is a constitutional remedy for the following types of patients:
1. Who are warm blooded; worse in warm and closed room.
2. Children, girls and women, who though generally careful become awkward and let things fall while handling them.
3. Irritable, nervous, fidgety persons hard to please.
4. Who have a weeping disposition; cannot help crying; discouraged and despondent.
5. Who are extremely sensitive to touch.
6. Who are worse after sleeping, touch and pressure, heat of bed and at 3 p.m. and better from sitting erect, changing position, walking, uncovering and cold bathing.
7. Jealous persons, women especially widows.
8. Persons who are apathetic, are absent minded, cannot concentrate; are listless, fault finding, joyless, suspicious or indolent.
9. Sad and melancholic.
10.             Foolish persons.

It is a specific remedy for the following conditions:
1. Ailments from jealousy, fright, rage, vexation, bad news, mental stock.
2. Bad effects of acute exanthema imperfectly developed or suppressed; measles, scarlatina, urticaria. Suppressed eruptions.
3. Oedema: pitting on pressure; marked under the eyes; of hands and feet; dropsy without thirst.
4. Pain: burning, stinging, sore; suddenly migrating from one part to other.
5. Diarrhoea: in eruptive diseases especially if eruption be suppressed; of drunkards; involuntary from every motion; with anus wide open.
6. Albuminuria after scarlatina when Canth, Dig, and Helleborus have failed.
7. Meninggitis with sudden shrill piercing screams, rolling of head from side to side; opisthotonos, or head drawn back, gnashing of teeth.
8. Chemosis of conjunctiva with sharp pains.
9. Right sided trouble: right sided ovarian cyst, hydrocele.
10.             Synovitis with burning, sore, stinging pains; worse from warm applications.
11.             Sore throat with constrictive sensation.
12.             Intermittent fevers; chill at 3 p.m., chill with thirst; feels worse in a warm room.
13.             Menstrual troubles in women with constitutional or characteristic symptoms of Apis.
14.             Scirrhus or open cancer with enlarged indurated glands with characteristic and constitutional symptoms of Apis.

Dosage : 6 to 200 C.
Duration of action : Uncertain.
Repetition : Bears repetition well in low potencies.

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