Friday, April 12, 2013


Silver Metal, Pure silver. Pure silver can be obtained from the market. It is a metal found in mines in many parts of world. Silver leaf is triturated with sugar of milk to prepared in the usual way.
Proved by Dr. Hahnemann 1813.
It is deep and long acting remedy. It is an Anti-psoric and Anti-sycotic remedy.

It is a constitutional remedy for the ailments of patients:
1. Who are very anxious and apprehensive about their health.
2. Indisposed to talk in society due to incompetence.
3. Imbecility from disorders of intellect and memory.
4. Who are tall, thin and irritable.
5. Who are nervous and of broken down constitution; suffer from loss of muscular power and trembling.
6. Constitutional effects of onanism.
7. Who are chilly, want to be kept warm; pains are better from warmth.

It is a specific remedy for the following conditions:
1. Ailments from anger, fear, fright, onanism and abuse of mercury.
2. Hoarseness of professional singers, public speakers; worse from talking, singing, reading aloud. Total loss of voice. Alternation in timber of voice. Raw spot over bifurcation of trachea.
3. Exhausting fluent coryza with sneezing.
4. Cough with easy expectoration o a grey viscid mucous looking like boiled starch. Laughing excites cough. When reading has to hem and hawk.
5. Atrophy of penis from onanism and emissions; impotency from lack of erection.
6. Right sided headaches better from tight bandaging.
7. Chronic gonorrhocal orchitis; yellow greenish urethral discharge in gonorrhoea.
8. Crushed pain in the testicles. Affinity for the right testicle.
9. Cervical erosion or ulcers; uterine cancer. Prolapse with pain in left ovary.
10. Ovarian cysts and tumours; affinity for left ovary.
11. Affections of mucous membranes, of nose, throat, larynx, eye lids, ears, Eustachian tubes; bones cartilages, joints; genitor-urinary tract and nervous system for which silver has special affinity.
12. Albuminuria, diabetes and enuresis.
13. Ailments with thickenings, in filtrations, indurations cysts, tumours, ulcerations and epithelioma.
14. Rheumatic complaints from cold damp weather.

Dosage : 6th to higher potencies.
Repetition : Should not be repeated frequently as it is a deep acting remedy.
Duration of action : 15 to 30 days.

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