Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Sulphide of Antimony, Black Antimony, Subnite, Antimonium nigrum pruificatum.
It is chemical compound of Antimony and Sulphur, Greyish crystalline powder is obtainded by purification of native antimony sulphide.
Antimony-Sulphide is found in crude from as a mineral in some parts of Italy, and other parts of Europe.
Triturations of Anatomy-Sulphide are prepared with sugar of milk.
Proved by Cospari, one of the fellow of Hahnemann and Hahnemann in 1828.

It is a constitutional remedy for the following types of patients:
1. Children: who are freful, peevish, cannot bear to be touched or looked at.
2. Suiky children who do not wish to speak or be spoken to; angry at every little attention.
3. Who have loathing for life with lingering fevers.
4. Who suffer from melancholia with great sadness and weeping; slightest thing affects her; abject despair, suicide by drowning.
5. Who have irresistible desire to talk in rhymes or repeat verses.
6. Who have sentimental mood in the moonlight, especially ecstatic love.
7. Who have longing for acids and pickles.
8. Gouty persons who are worse from sour wine; cold damp weather; cold bathing; river bathing; from stimulants of any kind; better from lying down and applied heat; but much worse from over heating; with troublesome hemorrhoids.
9. Hysterical girls who suffer from unrequired affections; dreamers.
10. Who are allergic to bread, fats, pastry, sour wine, acids, sweets.
11. Who are averse to cold bath.

It is a specific remedy in the following conditions:
1. Headache : after river bathing; from talking cold, alcoholic drinks; deranged digestion, acids, fat, fruits; suppressed eruptions.
2. Gastric and intestinal affections; from bread, pastry acids, vinegar, cold bathing; over heating; hot weather.
3. Large horny corns on soles of feet; very sensitive when walking.
4. Aphonia from becoming overheated.
5. Ailments from sunburn; overheating; warm weather.
6. Diarrhea from sour wine.
7. Callosity from pressure on feet from pressure of shoes.
8. Ailments with milky white coating on the tongue.
9. Changeable symptoms; gouty symptoms on extremities suddenly stop followed by gastric symptoms; symptoms go from one side to other; they change locality.
10. Suppressed menses from cold bath.

Dosage : Lower potencies from 6th to 112th advised in syphilitic affections. Higher potencies from 30 to 200 advised in gastro-intestinal and mental characteristic symptoms.
Repetition : To be given in single dose and not repeated unless required, when constitutional symptoms call for it. To be repeated in syphilitic affections in lower potencies.
Duration of action : 4 weeks.

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