Monday, April 8, 2013


It is a long and deep acting remedy. It is useful in a dynamic conditions, constitutional conditions and specific conditions. It may be a life saving remedy for the dangerously ill patients suffering from consumption, malignant small pox, gangrenous tonsillitis and blood poisoning.
It is an a dynamic remedy for the following conditions:

1. Lack of reactions to indicated homoeopathic remedies in infectious diseases.
2. Ailments with great prostration; great dyspnoea, coldness, puffiness of face.
3. Last stages of consumption.
4. Malignant scarlatina with somnolence, starting from sleep.
5. Threatened paralysis of brain; faint development of rash due to defective vitality.

It is a constitutional remedy for the following patients:

1. Who are chilly; susceptible and sensitive to cold; readily catch cold in winter; delicate women who must have the “smelling bottle” continually at hand; snuffles of infants with long lasting coryza.
2. Stout fleshy women of sedentary habits.
3. Children dislike washing.
4. Old people with bronchial diseases.

It is a specific remedy for the following conditions:
1. Diphtheria or Scarlatina when nose is stopped up, child cannot sleep because it cannot get its breath.
2. Putrid sore throat, tendency to gangrenous ulceration of tonsils; glands engorged.
3. Scurvy; spongy gums, raw lips and cracks in the corners of lips.
4. Nose bleed: Haemorrhagic Diathesis—when washing face; after eating; non-coagulating black blood from uterus.
5. Leucorrhoea and other discharges acrid and excoriating.
6. Cholera like symptoms at the commencement of menses.
7. Cardiac weakness with palpitation, dyspnoea worse on exertion; hacking cardiac cough without expectoration; on ascending even a few steps; worse in a warm room; angina pectoris, oedema of lungs; heart failure.
8. Emphysema and Asthma with cardiac weakness; fungus infections of lungs with dyspnoea.
9. Menses: too early, profuse; preceded by graping colic; acrid, make the thighs sore.
10.             Toothache; colic; sadness; fatigue; yawning and chilliness with menses.
11.             Complaints from charcoal fumes.
12.             Complaints from snake bite; stings of insects.
13.             Purpura haemorrhagica.
14.             Ailments of right side; worse during menses; better from lying on abdomen or painful side.
Dosage: Low Potency. In snake bite the volatile salt should be applied on the part bitten. Dr. Pierce uses it in 3rd potency. But it works well in 6th to 200th potencies.

Repetition: It may be repeated in acute diseases a single dose of high potency is recommended by J. T. Kent.

Duration of action: Acts for 40 days. 

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