Monday, April 8, 2013


It is a constitutional remedy for the patients:
·       Who are fat and sluggish; body large and fat but legs too thin.
·       Sensitive to cold; susceptible to acrid coryza.
·       Who are anxious, fretful and sensitive to certain persons.
·       Pale, sickly feeble women; worse during menses; diarrhea and vomiting during menses.

It is a specific remedy for the following conditions:
·       Coryza : watery, acrid, corroding the lip.
·       Chronic sprains.
·       Sore throat : with profuse glairy catarrhal secretion.
·       Ailments : with a feeling of coldness between the shoulder blades, or sore sprain.
·       Contraction of Hamstring tendons, which seem tight when walking, but better by continued motion.
·       Sciatica : worse sitting; somewhat relieved by walking; entirely relieved by lying down; legs feel contracted with painful jerks; feet feel as if asleep. Left sided.
·       Leucorrhoea : like white of an egg, preceded by griping pain about the navel; brown, slimy, painless; after every urination.
·       Hemorrhoids: sore and smarting; with burning and stinging in rectum for hours after stool, after suppressed leucorrhoea.

Dosage : 3rd or 30th C or higher.
Repetition : Bears repetition well.
Duration of action : 20 to 30 days.

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