Sunday, April 7, 2013


It is a constitutional remedy for the following types of patients:

1. Who are averse to presence of strangers: the presence of even a nurse is unbearable during stool.

2. Who are sad, weepy, melancholic; sit for days weeping.

3. Who have business embarrassments, are unable to sleep, must get up.

4. Who are prematurely old; they suffer from mental weakness, forgetfulness, trembling, tottering; depressed state alternating with vehemence of temper.

5. Young girls who are excitable, nervous and weak; shy, bashful, and blush easily.

6. Old people with nerves worn out, with broken down constitution.

7. Lean thin emaciated people, who take cold easily.

8. Who are aggravated from excitement, company, music, anxiety, presence of many people, exertion.

It is a specific remedy for the following conditions:

1. Anxiety neurosis.

2. Melancholia.

3. Psychoneurosis; hysteria; dementia precox; neurasthenia; senile dementia.

4. Vertigo of old people, worse in the morning, after sleep and after eating.

5. Whooping cough, but without crowing inspiration.

6. Asthma on attempting coition; of old people and children; feeble tremulous ones.

7. Ranula with foetid breath.

8. Metrorrhagia from undue exertion; sexual excitement.

9. Ailments worse after eating; with distension of abdomen and great flatulence; with cough and gagging.

10. Erratic symptoms.

11. Cough: spasmodic; of nervous origin; with frequent eructation’s and hoarseness; from anxiety, thinking, excitement, music.

12. Palpitation : from slight exertion, excitement, music with trembling and quivering; with numbness of parts.

Dosage : 30 and higher potencies.
Repetition : Bears repetition.
Duration of action : 40 days.

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