Saturday, April 6, 2013



It is a deep acting anti-psoric and anti-sycotic remedy. Very useful to start with in chronic cases.

It is a constitutional remedy for the following types of patients:

1.   Constitutions deficient in animal heat.
2.   Chilly persons worse in winter; in cold air.
3.   Who are anxious, apprehensive; feel guilty conscience; hasty, impulsive, anxiety about future.
4.   Who are sad, constantly sad.
5.   Who are confused, as to his personal identity.
6.   Suicidal: cannot look at blood or knife.
7.   Who think they are going crazy or mad.
8.   Who are hypochondria cal.
9.   Who have craving for indigestible thinks; acids; chalk; charcoal; cloves; coffee; starch.
10.              Potatoes disagree.

It is a specific remedy in the following conditions:

1.   Paretic conditions: of rectum; straining to pass a soft stool; urine passes slowly; is retained and dribbles involuntarily.
2.   Loco motor ataxia: inability to walk with eyes closed, in darkness; tottering and falling when closing eyes.
3.   Constipation: of nursing children, from artificial food; of old people; of pregnancy, from inactivity of rectum with no desire or ability to pass stool until there is a large accumulation; must strain greatly; stool hard knotty; soft, clayey, adhering to parts.
4.   Acrid and profuse leucorrhoea: worse during day time.
5.   Allergy to salt, wine, vinegar, pepper immediately produce cough.
6.   Sub acute and catarrhal conjunctivitis with smarting, marked dryness and burning; granular lids.
7.   Sore throat of public speakers: inclination to clear throat; relaxed uvula.
8.   Snufflex with constipation in infants.
9.   Catarrhal laryngitis from talking in open air.
10.              Lupus, epithelioma, indurations, thickening of mucous membranes, fissures and ulceration.

Dosage: 6th to 30th potency in acute conditions; 1 M to CM in chronic conditions.
Repetition: Single dose acts for a long time. To be repeated only when the symptoms call for it.
Duration of action: 40 to 60 days.

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