Friday, April 5, 2013



It is a specific remedy for the following conditions:

1.         Diarrhea: sudden, imperative, with much flatus; early morning driving the patient out of bed; after beer; after oysters; involuntary with passing of flatus; unreliable sphincter ani; with jelly like stool; alternates with headache; rumbling before stool.
2.         Constipation: stool has to be removed mechanically: causes headache, passes hard stool involuntarily.
3.         Hemorrhoids: like bunch of grapes; better from cold application; with prolapse of rectum.

Dosage : In dysentery low potencies from 3c to 6c are used. But when the characteristic symptoms are present even in 200th potency it acts well.
Repetition : It may be repeated in acute conditions frequently. Dr. J.H. Clarke recommends 2 hourly repetition of Aloe 3 in dysentery in his Prescriber.
Duration of action : 2 hours to 12 hours.

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