Tuesday, April 2, 2013


It is a SPECIFIC remedy for the following conditions:

1.         Rheumatic sore throat.
2.         Habitual abortion at the 3rd month in women of hystero-rheumatic constitution.
3.         Epilepsy in which the aura was a “waving sensation in the brain”.
4.         It ensures safe delivery in women who have previously borne only dead children from no discoverable cause, given in daily doses of 1x for two months before term (Clarke).
5.         Rheumatic dysmenorrhoea.
6.         Puerperal mania or melancholia, tries to injure herself.
7.         Excessive muscular soreness after exertion.
8.         Convulsion or shivering in the first stage of labor with rigid os.
9.         Hysterical symptoms alternate with rheumatic symptoms.
10.     False labour like pain : severe after-pains.
11.     Cerebrospinal meningitis with restriction and stiffness of neck.
12.     Menstrual disorders are worse during menses; the more the flow the greater the suffering.
Dosage: Tincture to 30th potency. 1x to ensure live birth and safe delivery; M.T. 15-30 mm for Tinnitus.
Repetition: Bears repetition well.
Duration of action: 8-12 days (Clarke).

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