Tuesday, April 2, 2013


It is a CONSTITUTIONAL remedy for the following types of patients:

1.         For complaints of pale, sickly people . Pale, lean persons with lax, flabby muscles; face pale waxy.
2.         Who have inherited phthisis and suffer from chronic weakness, anemia and emaciation; with chronic dry hacking cough and night sweats.
3.         Patients who suffer from loss of memory, confusion of mind, apprehensive, peevish and suffer from attacks of anguish.
4.         Patients who cannot sleep lying on the back, rests better lying on the belly.

It is a SPECIFIFIC remedy for the following conditions:
1.         Great prostration after injuries: after surgical shock; after anesthetics; charcoal gas.
2.         Bad effects from stings and bites.
3.         Fainting spells in weak anemic subject.
4.         Hemorrhage: from every mucous outlet; metrorrhagia; vicarious menses; haematemesis; haemoptysis.
5.         Traumatic epistaxis.
6.         Profuse bleeding from piles.
7.         No thirst in fever.
8.         Thirst ; intense, burning, insatiable, for large quantities in dropsy; diabetes; and chronic diarrhea; phthisis; typhus.
9.         Sour belching and vomiting of pregnancy with profuse salivation day and night.
10.     Oedema of extremities with diarrhea.
11.     Chlorosis with scanty menses.
12.     Laryngeal diphtheria.
13.     Hectic fever, skin dry and hot; red spot on left cheek and drenching night sweats.
14.     Marasmus and other wasting diseases of children.

Dosage : 3rd to 30th.
Repetition : Not to be repeated often.
Duration of action : 14 to 20 days.

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