Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Warted puff ball, Lycoperdon bovista. It is a globular fungus, when ripe becomes filled with black dust that breaks the husk which contains it, with a slight noise. Corresponding to this signature “bloated ness” puffy condition of body surface, a sense of “enlargement, flatulent distention and noisy passage of flatus” are leading features of the Bovista pathogenesis. Italy where it is eaten before it is ripe, and all over Europe.

It is a polycrest remedy of medium duration of action.
It is a constitutional remedy for the following types of patients:
Stammering children.
Awkward persons, inclined to drop things from hands; objects fall from powerless hands.
Chilly persons, sensitive to cold.
Sweats in axilla smell like onions.
Intolerance of clothing around the waist.
Old maids with palpitation.
It is a specific remedy for the following conditions:
Asphyxia due to charcoal fumes.
Hemorrhage after extraction of teeth.
Acne due to cosmetics.
Urticaria: on excitement; with rheumatic lameness, palpitation and diarrhea.
Discharge from nose and all mucous membranes very tough, stringy and tenacious.
Diarrhea before and during menses.
Menses flow only at night, not in the day time.
Traces of menses between menstruation; metorrhagia.
Intolerable itching at tip of coccyx, must scratch till parts become raw and sore.
Excessive hemorrhage at the climacteric period.

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