Thursday, April 18, 2013


It is a plant of the natural order of Berberidaceae. The plant is 3 to 8 feet high. Branches well supplied with horns; leaves bristly. Flowers hang in clusters. Fruit, small, oblong scarlet color with pleasant acid taste. The plant grows in Europe, especially it is indigenous to Great Britain.
It is a specific remedy in the following conditions:
Rental colic: pain starts in the region of one or both kidneys, travels along the urethras into the bladder and thence through the urethra, with burning in the bladder and urethra. Worse on left side; attended with pain in the spermatic cord and drawing of the testicles; worse from slightest motion.
Lithic, gouty and rheumatic complaints; with burning and soreness in the region of kidneys; numbness, stiffness and lameness.
Dysmenorrheal :  pain  radiating in every direction and going down the thighs.
Lumbago with urinary symptoms: with stiffness in the back making it difficult to rise from a seat, so that the hand must assist in rising; pain extends from back round the body, down leg; with red sediment in urine, severe prostration.
Cutting, burning pains in the balls of the feet on stepping, on standing, with most of the weight on the heels, she had no pain. Pain in feet on stepping.
Biliary colic, followed by jaundice; clay colored stools; colic from gall stones.
Fistula in ano with bilious symptoms and itching of the parts.

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