Monday, April 1, 2013


It is a polycrest remedy of medium duration and depth.

It is a CONSTITUTIONAL remedy for the following types of patients:

  1. Who are lively and entertaining when well, but violent and often delirious when sick.
  2. Who are plethoric, vigorous and intellectual people.
  3. Chilly persons; great liability to take cold; sensitive to draft of air especially when uncovering the head.
  4. Who have reactive excitability; reaction to medicine is so quick and so sudden that they at once feel relieved.
  5. Who are hypersensitive to touch, motion, jar, light and noise, extremes of heat and cold. They are worse from lying down, night, after mid-night, after 3 P.M., looking at bright shining objects; uncovering the head. They feel better by rest, standing or sitting erect; warm room.
  6. Who are of tuberculoses disposition.

It is a SPECIFIC remedy for the following conditions: 

1. Ailments with rush of blood to head and face.
2. Violent delirium; disposition to bite, spit, strike and tear things; breaks into fits of laughter and gnashes the teeth; wants to bite and strike the attendants; tries to escape.
3. Hallucination; sees ghosts, hideous faces and various insects; black animals, dogs wolves; fears from imaginary thinks, wants to run away from them, Delusions horrible. Convulsions come on suddenly; with high fever; during teething; with hot heat and cold feet.
4. Pains: come suddenly , last indefinitely and cease suddenly; renal colic.
5. Headache: congestive, with red face, throbbing of brain and carotids; agg from slight noise, jar, motion, light lying down least, exertion; better from pressure light bandaging (Arg nit), wrapping up, during menses.
6. Vertigo: when stooping; when rising after stooping; on every change of position (Bry).
7. Tonsillitis after riding in a cold wind.
8. Appendicitis: pain in right ileo-caecal region; agg by slightest touch, even of the bed cover.
9. Scarlet fever: rash of a uniform, smooth, shining scarlet redness.
10.             Prolapse of uterus:  sensation as if the contents of abdomen would issue from the vulva; better from standing and sitting erect; worse from lying down.

Contraindicated in typhoid, suppuration, slow developing conditions.

Dosage: It acts from first to 200th potency. In cases with mental and keynote symptoms higher potencies act very well. In inflammatory and spasmodic conditions lower potencies are preferred.
Repetition: Must be repeated frequently in acute diseases.
Duration of action: 1 to 7 days.

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