Friday, March 22, 2013


Arsenic Album
It is a SPECIFIC remedy for the following conditions:

1. Ailments from alcohol, chewing tobacco, sausage poisoning, dissecting wound, bites of venomous insects, anthrax, sea-bathing, ptomaine poisoning, malaria, abuse of quinine iodine, climbing mountains.
2. Ailments from care, worry, grief fright and shock.
3.  Ailments with great prostration and rapid sinking of vita alone; aggravated from physical exertion.
4.  Burning pains relived from warm applications.
5. Vomiting and diarrhea with anxiety and restlessness from ice-cream.
6. Cholera : with cold perspiration, thirst for small quantities of water extreme prostration, cadaveric appearances foul stool and vomit, restlessness, anxiety and fear of death.
7. Dropsy : with thirst for small quantities of water, restlessness, anxiety and prostration.
8. Anemia : cancerous affections; collapse; fainting; inflammations; gangrene; ulcers; psoriasis; scabies; urticaria; coryza; hay fever; aphthae; fissured tongue; diphtheria; dysentery; diabetes; leucorrhoea; asthma; pneumonia; pericardia; phthisis; syphilis; with constitutional and characteristic symptoms of Ars a.
9. Delirium : with depressions, restlessness, fear of death, fear of being alone and strong suicidal tendency.
10. Acute nephritis following exanthemata; with convulsions; puffiness of face, mental anguish and suppressed urine; with uremic delusions.
11. Herpes zoster : pains burning, shooting, stiking; worse at night; with restlessness, thirst for small quantities of water, black color of the exudate.
12. Anemia : after acute fevers, hemorrhages, with inability to retain food or drink due to irritability of stomach; great restlessness.

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