Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Warted puff ball, Lycoperdon bovista. It is a globular fungus, when ripe becomes filled with black dust that breaks the husk which contains it, with a slight noise. Corresponding to this signature “bloated ness” puffy condition of body surface, a sense of “enlargement, flatulent distention and noisy passage of flatus” are leading features of the Bovista pathogenesis. Italy where it is eaten before it is ripe, and all over Europe.

It is a polycrest remedy of medium duration of action.
It is a constitutional remedy for the following types of patients:
Stammering children.
Awkward persons, inclined to drop things from hands; objects fall from powerless hands.
Chilly persons, sensitive to cold.
Sweats in axilla smell like onions.
Intolerance of clothing around the waist.
Old maids with palpitation.
It is a specific remedy for the following conditions:
Asphyxia due to charcoal fumes.
Hemorrhage after extraction of teeth.
Acne due to cosmetics.
Urticaria: on excitement; with rheumatic lameness, palpitation and diarrhea.
Discharge from nose and all mucous membranes very tough, stringy and tenacious.
Diarrhea before and during menses.
Menses flow only at night, not in the day time.
Traces of menses between menstruation; metorrhagia.
Intolerable itching at tip of coccyx, must scratch till parts become raw and sore.
Excessive hemorrhage at the climacteric period.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


It is a plant of the natural order of Berberidaceae. The plant is 3 to 8 feet high. Branches well supplied with horns; leaves bristly. Flowers hang in clusters. Fruit, small, oblong scarlet color with pleasant acid taste. The plant grows in Europe, especially it is indigenous to Great Britain.
It is a specific remedy in the following conditions:
Rental colic: pain starts in the region of one or both kidneys, travels along the urethras into the bladder and thence through the urethra, with burning in the bladder and urethra. Worse on left side; attended with pain in the spermatic cord and drawing of the testicles; worse from slightest motion.
Lithic, gouty and rheumatic complaints; with burning and soreness in the region of kidneys; numbness, stiffness and lameness.
Dysmenorrheal :  pain  radiating in every direction and going down the thighs.
Lumbago with urinary symptoms: with stiffness in the back making it difficult to rise from a seat, so that the hand must assist in rising; pain extends from back round the body, down leg; with red sediment in urine, severe prostration.
Cutting, burning pains in the balls of the feet on stepping, on standing, with most of the weight on the heels, she had no pain. Pain in feet on stepping.
Biliary colic, followed by jaundice; clay colored stools; colic from gall stones.
Fistula in ano with bilious symptoms and itching of the parts.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013




Wild Indigo. Is a plant which grows in woods and hills of USA. It belongs to the Natural Order of Leguminoscae.
It is a specific remedy for the following conditions:
Typhoid Fever: rapid prostration; fetid exhalations and discharge; breath; stool, urine, perspiration, ulcers. With spoor or stupor, falls asleep while being spoken to or in the midst of his answer. Cannot go to sleep because she cannot get herself together head and body feel scattered about in the bed; tosses about to get the pieces together. In whatever position the patient lies, the parts rested upon feel sore and bruised; decubitus in typhoid.
Influenza :  rapid prostration; great soreness of body; the parts rested upon feel sore and bruised.
Diarrhea of children, especially when very offensive.
Dysentery of old people: stool offensive.
Sore throat: can swallow liquids only; least solid food gags. Gangrenous sore throat and mouth. Cancrum oris. Sore mouth of children and mother. Putrid sore throat.
Painless sore throat; tonsils, soft palate and parotids dark red, swollen.
Diphtheria: rapid development; great prostration; soreness of body; can swallow liquids only; offensive discharges.
Paralysis of deglutition: from diphtheria, scarlet fever or typhoid fever.
Appendicitis: great soreness in the right iliac fossa; so sore and tender, no bigger than a fist.
Involuntary urine and stool in acute infectious diseases.
Trembling of tongue and trembling of hands in acute infectious fevers.
Brain fag: aversion to mental exertion and want of power to think.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

ARUM TRIPHYLLUM Indian turnip, Memory root


Indian turnip, Memory root 
It is a plant of the natural order of Araceae, and belong to mustard family. It has fleshy globular root which is used as vegetable and for feeding cattle. The juice from the root is acrid in taste. It is a deep acting remedy. It is a specific remedy for the following conditions:
Typhoid fever or other ailments: with constant picking of nose and lips until it bleeds.
Aphonic : complete after exposure to cold winds. Speaking continuously or acting in winter.
Diphtheritic paralysis : liquids come out from the nose from paralysis of the palate.
Nasal catarrh : acrid, ichorous discharge excoriating inside of nose and upper lip.
Children refuse food and drinks on account of soreness of mouth and throat; are sleepless.
Clergyman’s sore throat : worse from talking or continuous speaking; voice hoarse, uncontrollable, changing. Of orators, actors, singers.
Threatened uremia in typhoid fever : urine scanty or suppressed.
Eczema of scalp in children suffering from catarrhal affections of eyes, nose and throat.
Dysphasia : difficulty in swallowing from sore mouth with swollen glands.
Burning in throat and trachea.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

ARNICA MONTANA (Leopard’s Bane)

ARNICA MONTANA (Leopard’s Bane)

Leopard’s Bane. It is a plant which grows in mountains of northern hemisphere. It belongs to the natural order of composite. The stem is hairy with radical leaves and orange flowers. The root has a faintly aromatic smell. The roots, leaves and full blown flowers are collected at the flowering time; special care is taken to remove Arnica fly larvae as they are poisonous.
The whole plant is used in the preparation of the mother tincture. Potencies of higher denominations are prepared from the mother tincture.
Proved by Dr. Hahnemann.

It is a short acting remedy.
It is a constitutional remedy for the following types of patients:
1. Sanguine plethoric persons of very red face and lively expression.
2. Nervous persons who cannot bear pain.
3. Persons who remain long impressed by even slightest mechanical injuries.
4. Apathetic persons who say “there is nothing the matter with him” even when he is seriously ill, sends the doctor away and wants to be left alone.
5. Patients : who worry and exaggerate trivial symptoms.
6. Patients : sullen morose, do not speak a word, do not want to be talked to.
7. Patients : who are fearful but fear remains at night after an accident.
8. Horror of instant death with cardiac distress at night.

It is a specific remedy for the following conditions:
1.  Bad effects of mechanical injury even of remote origin.
2.  Bruised pain, soreness, hemorrhage, extravasations of blood, epitasis after a fall or blow from a blunt weapon.
3.  Concussion with stupor, meningitis, shock after head injury.
4.  Black eye, retinal hemorrhage from a blow to the eye; or severe cough.
5.  Apoplexy: helps in the absorption of blood after Op high.
6.  Paralysis: left sided with pulse full and strong; sighing, muttering and stertorous breathing; with unconsciousness.
7.  Gout of great toe: with great fear of being touched or stuck by a person coming near him.
8.  Prevents post-partum hemorrhage and puerperal complications if given just after delivery.
9.  Hypertrophy of heart from strain and over work.
10. Retention of urine from injuries or constant dribbling of urine after labor.

Dosage : In all recent affections it may be given in lower potencies, but for the remote effects of injury we must a scent the region of infinitesimals.
In lower potencies Arnica is a tonic  and stimulant for the depressed, apathetic, rheumatic, gouty, maniac and melancholic states.
Higher potencies are found useful in “Nausca” and vomiting with disgust for food, diarrhea and dysentery.
Repetition : To be repeated in recent injuries till a favorable response is noticed. For injuries long ago single dose of higher e.g. 200 C. In apoplexy lower potencies must be repeated for some days.