Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Nux Vomica

It is a CONSTITUTIONAL remedy for patients:
1. Who are oversensitive: Oversensitive to noise, light, touch, cold air, surroundings, food, spices, rich food, hot food, over-eating, tea, coffee, narcotics, allopathic drugs, wine, alcoholic preparations.
2. Who are irritable, touchy, offended even by harmless words; inclination to commit suicide, but is afraid to die; easily excited or angered. Cannot bear contradiction, trifling ailments and pains are unbearable.
3. Who are sedentary in habits, undergo mental exertion; loss of sleep; anxious, full of worries.
4. Who are chilly, always talking cold which extends from nose to chest, worse from draft of cold air; worse from uncovering; must be covered in every stage of fever.
5. Who have a tendency to faint: from odours; after eating; after every labour pain; in morning.

It is a SPECIFIC remedy for the following conditions:
1. Ailments : from bad effects of : coffee, alcohol, tobacco, spicy food, over-eating, loss of sleep.
2. Convulsions with consciousness ; worse from anger, emotions, touch and moving.
3. Pains are tingling, sticking, aching, worse from motion and contact.
4. Fever with severe chill, must be covered in every stage of fever, chill is worse motion.
5. Strangulated umbilical hernia of infants and children.
6. Snuffles of infants ; stoppage of nose.
7. Constipation ; with frequent unsuccessful desire ; sensation as if not finished.
8. Menses : irregular, never at right time; every two weeks; stopping and starting again.
9. Labor pains: violent, spasmodic ; cause fainting, urging to stool or urinate.
10. One of the best remedies with which to commence treatment in cases who are drugged by hot and strong medicines. It desensitizes their effects.

CONTRAINDICATED in cases: where the constitutionals symptoms are ascent; where there is no desire for stool at all.
DOSAGE: First to 30th potency and higher before going bed.
DURATION OF ACTION : 1 to 7 days.

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