Friday, March 29, 2013


It is a CONSTITUTIONAL remedy for: 
Children: delicate and sensitive who when scolded and sent to bed become sick or have convulsions in sleep; convulsions during first dentition or spasm after fright. 
Women or girls: sensitive, excitable, refined, highly educated, over-tired, nervous, hysterical, who give contradictory symptoms and are worse from tobacco and coffee. They want to be left alone, to weep in seclusion; they have changeable mood; laughing to weeping; involuntary sighing; inconsistent, impatient, irresolute and quarrelsome; easily offend; over-sensitive to pain; pain in circumscribed spots; complaints return at precisely the same hour; glob us and clavus hysteric us; swallowing of liquids difficult but swallowing of solids easy. 
Persons mentally and physically exhausted by long concentrated grief, emotional tensions.

It is a SPECIFIC remedy for the following conditions:

1.   Ailments due to bed effects of anger, grief, sorrow, disappointed love, bad news, shame, vexation, reserved displeasure, mortification, and home sickness.
2.   Headache, as if a nail was driven out through the side, relieved by lying on it (Coff, Nux v, Thuj).
3.   Prolapse ani from moderate straining at stool; worse when the stool is loose.
4.   Intermittent fever: red face during chill; chill with thirst; heat without thirst and aggravated by covering.
5.   Hemorrhoids: with prolapse with every stool, have to be replaced; aggravation of pain hours after stool (Rat, Sulph).
6.   Constipation: with excessive urging; felt more in upper abdomen; with great pain, dreads to go to stool; of hysteric origin; in habitual coffee drinkers.

DOSAGE: Tincture to 30th potency. For lesions of spinal cord and brain and nervous system higher potencies are recommended.
REPETITION: Lower dilutions can be repeated; but the higher potencies are to be given in single dose.

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