Sunday, March 31, 2013


It is a SPECIFIFIC remedy for the following conditions:

1. Children suffering from worms especially Ascarides with grinding of teeth and boring at nose.
2. Ailments of children having characteristic and general symptoms of the remedy.
3. Whooping cough after Drosera has removed the severe symptoms or when whooping cough is worse when awaking from sleep.
4. Enuresis nocturna in fretful children.
5. Has cured aphonia from exposure when Acon, Phos and Spong have failed.
6. Santonine sometimes cures in worm affections when Cina seems indicated but fails (Mar v, Spig).
7. Strabismus from worms.

DOSAGE: Pierce recommends 30th potency. It is more efficacious for worms in the 200th or higher potencies than the lower potencies. (Nash)
REPETITION: Bears repetition well.
DURATION OF ACTION: 14 to 20 days.

Friday, March 29, 2013


It is a CONSTITUTIONAL remedy for: 
Children: delicate and sensitive who when scolded and sent to bed become sick or have convulsions in sleep; convulsions during first dentition or spasm after fright. 
Women or girls: sensitive, excitable, refined, highly educated, over-tired, nervous, hysterical, who give contradictory symptoms and are worse from tobacco and coffee. They want to be left alone, to weep in seclusion; they have changeable mood; laughing to weeping; involuntary sighing; inconsistent, impatient, irresolute and quarrelsome; easily offend; over-sensitive to pain; pain in circumscribed spots; complaints return at precisely the same hour; glob us and clavus hysteric us; swallowing of liquids difficult but swallowing of solids easy. 
Persons mentally and physically exhausted by long concentrated grief, emotional tensions.

It is a SPECIFIC remedy for the following conditions:

1.   Ailments due to bed effects of anger, grief, sorrow, disappointed love, bad news, shame, vexation, reserved displeasure, mortification, and home sickness.
2.   Headache, as if a nail was driven out through the side, relieved by lying on it (Coff, Nux v, Thuj).
3.   Prolapse ani from moderate straining at stool; worse when the stool is loose.
4.   Intermittent fever: red face during chill; chill with thirst; heat without thirst and aggravated by covering.
5.   Hemorrhoids: with prolapse with every stool, have to be replaced; aggravation of pain hours after stool (Rat, Sulph).
6.   Constipation: with excessive urging; felt more in upper abdomen; with great pain, dreads to go to stool; of hysteric origin; in habitual coffee drinkers.

DOSAGE: Tincture to 30th potency. For lesions of spinal cord and brain and nervous system higher potencies are recommended.
REPETITION: Lower dilutions can be repeated; but the higher potencies are to be given in single dose.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


How the drugs cure the patient?

Homeopathic Materia Medica is the outcome of the desire to cure the patient rapidly, gently and permanently. The first relational question for the kind of therapy was “How the drugs cure the patient”? The answer that come to Hahnemann’s mind was ‘Experience that yourself’. The Cinchona experiment gave the answer. The law of ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’ was discovered and verified on hundreds of patients by Hahnemann and his colleagues. Drugs were proved from all available and imaginable sources e.g., vibrations, radiations, X-Rays, magnetic poles, radium, minerals, compounds, acids, alkalies, vegetables, condiments, Atmospheric gases, animal products, diseased tissues, blood serum and even the germs that produce diseases. The result of these proving was an infinite collection of medicinal forces to meet the challenge of the infinite number of natural and artificial diseases. Our Materia Medicas contain the proving of all our experiments and personal experience on all these drugs. 

Drugs Proving

The first Mareria Medica was prepared by Dr. Hahnemann himself. Most of the drugs were proved by Hahnemann and his colleagues, both on men and women. The provings contained symptoms in the from of altered sensations and functions felt by the provers after taking a drug. The symptoms were collected as they appeared according to the time factor and according to the schema of Hahnemann. According to the schema the symptoms were divided according to the parts of the body and the organs involved in those parts. The symptoms according to the schema were recorded in the following manner:

Inner Head
Outer head
Mouth and Throat
Rectum and Anus
Urinary Organs
Male Sexual Organs
Female Sexual Organs
Respiratory Organs
Neck And Back
Upper Extremities
Lower Extremities
Nervous System

Besides these symptoms Hahnemann has given in his Materi Medica Pura something about the drug and its method of preparation and a few remarks which he observed during the treatment of patients with the drug e.g., temper, humour and the make up of the patient.

How to select the Similimum?

Each drug proving contained thousands of symptoms collected from a number of provers both males and females. Many symptoms of each drug were found common to a number of drugs, but a small number of symptoms were found to be peculiar to a particular drug alone. Many symptoms were unqualified, but some symptoms were qualified and characteristic. Some drugs showed definite affinity for the mind or some organs of the body, others showed definite pathogensis. All these findings produced a problem for the selection of a drug for the disease of a patient. Hence the second question that Hahnmann had to answer was “How to select the Similimum”? Hahnmann handed over the task to his legal advisor Von Boenninghausen who was helping him and contributing his experiences to the homeopathic literature, especially on the subject of “Evaluation of symptoms for the selection of the Similimum”. (To be continue..)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013



It is a CONSTITUTIONAL remedy for the following types of cases:
1. Children dislike to be carried or to be raised. Fretful.
2. Children desire things immediately which are not to be had, or which when offered is refused. Peevish.
3. Patients are irritable, inclined to be vehement and angry. Nervous.
4. Who have black hair, dark complexion, firm muscular fiber, dry, slender people.
5. Who are worse from slightest motion and better from rest; although restless, wants to keep quiet and still.
6. Who are anxious, angered easily, obstinate.
7. Who are worm blooded; worse from warmth, summer; better from cool open air, cold water, cold food.
8. Who are plethoric and venous in their make up, face is puffed and purplish.
9. Who are of sluggish nature, complaints develop slowly.
10. Who are fearful; fear of death, fear of poverty.

It is a SPECIFIC remedy for the following conditions;
1. Ailments from; chagrin, anger, mortification, fright, chilling when overheated. Exposure to cold. When warm weather sets in after cold days. Cold drinks or ice in hot weather. Suppressed discharges; menses; rash of acute exanthema. Beans, peas, cabbage, bread, flatulent food, fruits.
2. Complaints are WORSE from slightest motion, exertion, jar, swallowing, coughing, sneezing, ascending, motion of ship, lying on painless side, rising from lying, stooping, motion of eyes.
3. Complaints are BETTER from; lying on painful side, when quiet, during rest, pressure, dark room, cool open air, cold water, cold food.
4. Ailments are attended with; dryness of mucous membranes with thirst for large quantities of water; constant motion of left arm and left leg; pressure as from stone at pit of stomach relived by eructation; delirium talks constantly about his business; desires to get out bed and go home; vicarious menstruation; nose-bleed when menses should appear; vertigo on stooping; throbbing in head; tongue coated thick, whitish yellow; nausea and vomiting; urine dark and scanty, high fever with profuse sweat which ameliorates.
5. Acute meningitis: from suppressed rash of examthematous fever with constant chewing motion of mouth; face congested, puffy; temperature high, copious sweats; dry lips, thirst for large quantities of water; not restless; uncover the body.
6. Delirium: from acute infectious fever; talks constantly about his business; desire to get out of bed and go home; constant motion of left arm and leg.
7. Headache: in morning after rising or on first opening eyes; commencing in the morning, gradually increasing until evening; from ironing, with constipation, on coughing, when stooping as if brain would burst through forehead.
8. Pains: stitching, tearing; worse by motion, inspiration, coughing, at night; better from absolute rest and lying on painful side.
9. Acute pleurisy: when the fever has somewhat abated, pains are stitching or tearing, worse from coughing, movement, sneezing, even breathing is painful. It comes in after Aconite. Friction rub present.
10. Acute inflamammation of mammae; hot and painful, heavy, stony hard; must support the breast; pain worse from slightest motion.
11. Cough; dry, spasmodic; with gagging and vomiting; with stitches inside of chest; with headache, worse after eating, drinking, entering a warm room; a deep inspiration.
12. Constipation; no inclination from inactive rectum, stool large, hard, dark, dry, as if burnt; on going to sea.
13. Diarrhea; during a spell of hot weather; bilious, acrid with soreness of anus; like dirty water; of undigested; food; from cold drinks when overheated; from fruits, worse in morning on moving even a hand or foot.
14. Diabetes; dryness of lips and mouth, thirst for large quantities of water, persistent bitter taste in mouth; from warmth and exertion, beans, peas, cabbage, bread, fruits and flatulent food disagree.
15. Acute hepatitis: liver is congested, inflamed and enlarged; stitching pains in the right hypochondria, worse from motion or changing position; better from lying on the right or painful side; jaundice brought on by a fit of anger.
16. Acute pericardia: of rheumatic origin, stitching pains worse from movement; better from lying on the right or painful side; friction rub is present.
17. Pneumonia: it comes after Acon, Ferr p, Ver vir. The patient is not restless; cough is moist, sharp stitching pleuritic pains worse from coughing and any movement; tongue dry and coated, thirst excessive; with delirium or constipation.
18. Acute rheumatism: joints red hot and swollen; painful on slightest motion; touch and pressure aggravate; pains stitching or tearing in character, copious exudation in joint, with perspiration which relieves.
19. Typhoid fever: eve lops sluggishly; with headache, dry mouth, tongue coated, thirst for large quantities of water, lies quietly, not restless, with delirium, constipation, soreness of body; likes cool open air; worse in warm and closed room.
20. Tuberculosis: dry teasing cough as if the head and chest would burst; sharp stitching pains in the sides; inability to take a deep breath on account of aggravation of pains.

DOSAGE: It acts in lower as well as in higher potencies. Lower potencies are indicated in gout, rheumatism, inflammatory troubles. Higher potencies are indicated in diseases of gastrointestinal tract and in cases where its constitutional symptoms are present.
REPETITION: It is a short acting remedy and bears frequent repetition.
DURATION OF ACTION: 7 to 21 days.